Initially established as a European network of Colleges of literary translators in the beginning of the 1990s, RECIT evolves into European Network of Literary Translator Centers and appears as such for the first time in an international event in September-October 2000 at the First European meetings of literary translators in Sarajevo.
With focus on strengthening the network of translators, RECIT facilitates residence programs for literary translators in Europe which had affirmed as a vital necessity in today’s cultural world.
Member benefits
Connect with peers and become part of a European community of translation residencies;
Learn from experienced managers and programmers, and share your knowledge;
Get access to information and contacts in the countries of the network;
Visit different members’ residencies during the annual General Assembly;
Get information on funding and other opportunities;
Promote your centre Europe-wide via the network website and members’ channels;
Participate in discussion groups on specific topics (such as translation trainings or organizing digital events) with other members;
Raise the visibility and reputation of your centre.
Membership requirements and conditions
Present and future members of RECIT should be in a position to offer literary translators the possibility of a creative residency under good conditions of residence, work and meetings with other translators and people from the literary field. These centres should also offer, within the limits of their means and their environment, a public program of meetings around literary translation and/or training courses for literary translators. It is recommendable that member-residencies maintain a library at their premises and/or ensure residents access to libraries.
The eligibility of new members will be assessed by the General Assembly in accordance with all these criteria.
The annual membership fee is currently 250 euro per organization. Any adjustments of the size of the fee are decided upon by the General Assembly.
Members fee supports the work of the network, including promotion and management as well as the network’s contribution to the annual GA.
Le bureau RECIT / RECIT Board
- President: Yana Genova
ygenova[at]npage.org - Vice President: Jürgen Jakob Becker
becker[at]lcb.de - Vice President: Joris Smeets
joris[at]literatuurvlaanderen.be - Secretary General: Lena Pasternak
baltic.centre[at]gotlandica.se - Treasurer: Gabriela Stöckli
Les Centres RECIT / RECIT Centres
- ATLAS – Collège International des Traducteurs Littéraires (France)
atlas[at]atlas-citl.org - BCLT – British Centre for Literary Translation (United Kingdom)
bclt[at]uea.ac.uk - BCWT – Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators (Sverige)
baltic.centre[at]gotlandica.se - Casa delle Traduzioni (Italia)
casadelletraduzioni[at]bibliotechediroma.it - Croatian Literary Translators’ Association / Društvo hrvatskih književnih prevodilaca (Croatia)
rezidencija[at]dhkp.hr - Czech Literary Centre / České literární centrum (Czech Republic)
info[at]czechlit.cz - Estonian Writers’ Union in Tallinn (Estonia)
tolkijatesektsioon[at]gmailk.com - Europäisches Übersetzer-Kollegium Nordrhein-Westfalen in Straelen (Deutschland)
euk.straelen[at]t-online.de - LCB – Literarisches Colloquium Berlin (Deutschland)
becker[at]lcb.de - Magyar Fordítóház Alapítvány (Hungary)
mfordhaz[at]axelero.hu - National Centre for Writing (United Kingdom)
Kate.Griffin[at]writerscentrenorwich.org.uk - Sofia Literature and Translation House / Next Page Foundation (Bulgaria)
info[at]npage.org - Translators’ House Antwerp (Belgium)
vertalershuis[at]literatuurvlaanderen.be - Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation (Ireland)
littrans[at]tcd.ie - Übersetzerhaus Looren / Collège de traducteurs Looren (Suisse)
info[at]looren.net - Ventspils House – International Writers’ and Translators’ House (Latvia)
ventspilshouse[at]ventspilshouse.lv - Vertalershuis Amsterdam (Nederland)