Literary translator from Serbian into Spanish in residency at Krokodil in Belgrade, Serbia
Miguel Roan, born in 1981 in Vigo, Spain, is one of the most important Balkanologists, who has been in constant contact with the current situation in this area for more than ten years.
Shortly after graduating in Law and Political Science from the Autonomous University of Madrid, he headed to the Balkans thanks to various jobs and scholarships. If anything characterizes him, it is the exceptional versatility, which is reflected in the quality of his work.
In addition to his professorial engagement in various fields and university institutions, he is also the editor of the journal Balkania, which studies the Balkans and represents a space where Balkanologists from different countries meet. He also translates and writes for several Spanish media.
Residency goals
During his residency at Krokodil in Belgrade (Serbia), Miguel will be working on the translation of Senka Marić: ‘Kintsugi tijela‘, Kontrast, 2019 (‘Kintsugi bodies‘) into Spanish.
Residency events
Translation Workshop
Find our more about the event here.
Conversation with Miguel Roan about translating from ‘small languages’, together with Will Ferth and John Cox
Find our more about the event here.
Residency materials
Senka Marić: Cuerpo Kintsugi, La Huerta Grande, Madrid, 2022