ATLAS – Collège International des Traducteurs Littéraires
(Arles, France)

BCWT – Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators
(Gotland, Sweden)

BCLT – British Centre for Literary Translation
(Norwich, UK)

(Belgrade, Serbia)

Goten Publishing
(Skopje, North Macedonia)

National Centre for Writing
(Norwich, UK)

Next Page Foundation
(Sofia, Bulgaria)

(Cetinje, Montenegro)

(Tirana, Albania)

RECIT – Réseu Européen des Centres de Traducteurs Littéraires
(Network of European literary translation centres)

Ventspils House – International Writers’ and Translators’ House
(Ventspils, Latvia)

We condemn the aggression and the war that the Russian military has started in Ukraine. We at RECIT express solidarity with the people of Ukraine, with the translators, writers, publishers and those working in the book sector, as well as with all those around the world who are opposing the criminal actions of the Kremlin.
Our members support Ukrainian translators, writers and all people in culture who had to flee Ukraine. For more information, visit the members’ websites or contact them directly.
RECIT is a network of European literary translation centres offering residencies for translators and organising public events bringing together writers, translators and audiences.
RECIT est un réseau européen de centres de traduction littéraire, offrant des résidences aux traducteurs et organisant des rencontres publiques entre écrivains et traducteurs.