Literary translator from Serbian into German in residency at Krokodil in Belgrade, Serbia
Rebekka Zeinzinger was born in 1992 in Lower Austria. She completed studies in German language and literature, history, and comparative literature at the University of Vienna. From 2017 to 2020 she was working as a lecturer for German Studies in Sarajevo, where she immersed herself in the languages and cultures of the region. Her first book translation into German, ‘Fang den Hasen’ (Catch the rabbit/Uhvati zeca) by Lana Bastašićs , was published in 2021. Rebekka Zeinzinger is a member of the Austrian Association for Literary Translators and currently lives in Vienna.
Residency goals
During her residency stay at Krokodil in Belgrade (Serbia), Rebekka will be working on the translation of Milica Vučković’s novel ‘Smrtni ishod atletskih povreda’ into German.